ITA No.232/Agr./2009
Asstt. Year : 2004-05
Shri Arshad Sardar Khan, vs. Income Tax Officer,
Taleem Manzil, Ward-IV, Aligarh.
Marris Road,
(PAN: AHFP 8634 A)
(Appellant) (Respondent)
Appellant by : Shri Arshad Sardar Khan, assessee
Respondent by : Shri A.K. Sharma, Jr. D.R.
The assessee has filed the present appeal against the order dated 06.02.2009
passed by the ld. CIT(A), Ghaziabad on the following grounds :-
“1. That the lower authorities were wrong in facts and in law in
treating the agricultural income at Rs.2,00,000/- of fruits from mango
orchard as income from other sources.
Various observations made by the learned lower authorities
were not correct. The learned lower authorities by mistake not
considered the evidence of electric payment passbook for
watering the orchard, certificate of Tehsildar about
agricultural income and certificate of head department of
botany A.M.U., Aligarh about the orchard which were filed
before the lower authorities.
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Various observations made in the assessment order are
untenable and the documentary evidences were not properly
2. That without prejudice to ground 1 above the learned lower
authorities were not justified in facts and in law in treating the whole
of the agricultural income as non agricultural income i.e. income of
other sources. The addition as made is illegal, wrong and at any rate
very very excessive in view of the fact that the agricultural income of
the appellant is from agricultural owned land from earlier years.
3. That the tax charged and interest thereon u/s 234A, 234B and
234C is illegal and very very excessive.
4. That the appellant reserves the right to add, amend, delete,
alter, modify the grounds of appeal”
2. The facts narrated by the Revenue Authorities are not disputed by both the
parties. Therefore, no need to repeat the same for the sake of convenience.
3. The appeal filed by the assessee is late by 162 days. Shri Arshad Sardar
Khan, the assessee, appeared in person and filed an application along with affidavit
dated 26.04.2011 in support of condonation of delay of 162 days. He requested
that the reasons mentioned in the affidavit are sufficient reason to condone the
delay in dispute and may be condoned in the interest of justice.
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4. The contends of the application along with the affidavit has been conveyed
to the ld. Departmental Representative. He has not raised any objection on the
condonation of delay.
5. After hearing both the parties and going through the averments made by the
assessee in the affidavit dated 26.04.2011, I am of the considered opinion that the
reasons mentioned by the assessee in the affidavit for condonation of delay of 162
days are that the order of the CIT(A), Ghaziabad was received by the assessee on
28.03.2009 and the appeal was filed on 25.05.2009 along with challan of
Rs.2,510/- and other annexures. The fee was calculated and paid at Rs.2,510/- i.e.
1% of Rs.2,50,300/-. There was short payment of court fee which came to the
knowledge of the assessee afterwards. As soon as the same was brought to the
notice of the assessee by the Registry of the Tribunal, the assessee has deposited
the same on 20.11.2009. Therefore, the delay in dispute is not intentional and
requested for condonation of the same.
6. I am of the considered opinion that the delay in dispute has been caused due
to short payment of Court fee which has been paid by the assessee as soon as the
same was brought to his notice by the Registry. Therefore, the reasons are
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sufficient to condone the delay and I condone the delay of 162 days in filing the
present appeal and admit the present appeal.
7. On merit, the assessee in person appeared and made a statement that the AO
as well as the ld. First Appellate Authority has not given sufficient opportunity to
produce Shri Ajmat Khan before the AO for substantiating his claim. He further
stated that he can produce Shri Ajmat Khan before the AO if this Bench grants him
some time to do the same. The assessee has produced all necessary evidences
showing the ownership of the land from where his agricultural income has arisen.
The main objection of the Revenue is that the assessee has not produced Shri
Ajmat Khan to substantiate his claim of Rs.2,00,000/- as agricultural income which
has been assessed as income from other sources, which is the only dispute in the
present appeal.
8. The ld. Departmental Representative has not raised any objection on the
request of the assessee for affording opportunity to the assessee to produce Shri
Ajmat Khan for substantiating the claim of the assessee amounting to
Rs.2,00,000/- as agricultural income.
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9. I have heard both the parties and perused the relevant records available with
me, especially the very short request made by the assessee, who appeared in
person, because his Counsel has been admitted in hospital due to kidney ailment. I
am of the considered opinion that, in the interest of justice, the assessee is entitled
for more opportunity to produce Shri Ajmat Khan before the AO for substantiating
the claim of the assessee of Rs.2,00,000/- as agricultural income. Therefore, in the
interest of justice, I set aside the issue in dispute, i.e. treating the agricultural
income of Rs.2,00,000/- of fruits from mango orchard as income from other
sources, to the AO to decide the same afresh under law after giving opportunity to
the assessee to produce Shri Ajmat Khan before him and decide the issue in
dispute afresh under law.
10. In the result, appeal filed by the assessee is allowed for statistical purposes.
(Order pronounced in the open Court on 28.04.2011)
Judicial Member
Dated: 28
April, 2011
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Copy of the order forwarded to:
1. Appellant
2. Respondent By Order
3. CIT concerned
4. CIT (Appeals) concerned
5. DR, ITAT, Agra Bench, Agra
6. Guard File Assistant Registrar
Income-tax Appellate Tribunal, Agra
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