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ITA No. 2371, 2373-77 & 2067/MUM/2023
Bhisma Agro Food Products Pvt. Ltd.; A.Ys.14-15 to 18-19 & 21-22
ITA No. 2371/MUM/2023
(Assess ment Year: 2015-2016)
ITA No. 2377/MUM/2023
(Assess ment Year: 2014-2015)
ITA No. 2374/MUM/2023
(Assess ment Year: 2016-2017)
ITA No. 2375/MUM/2023
(Assess ment Year: 2017-2018)
ITA No. 2373/MUM/2023
(Assess ment Year: 2018-2019)
ITA No. 2376/MUM/2023
(Assess ment Year: 2021-2022)
OLD C GO Building
806, 8
Mu mbai 400020
Bhisma Agro Food Products
Pvt. Ltd.
255 Swarna Park ,
Industrial Area,
Mundka Nangoli,
New Delhi 110041
(Appellant) (Respondent)
ITA No. 2067/MUM/2023
(Assess ment Year: 2015-16)
Bhisma Agro Food Products
Pvt. Ltd.
255 Swarna Park ,
Industrial Area,
Mundka Nangoloi,
New Delhi 110041
OLD C GO Building
8 t h
Mu mbai 400020
(Appellant) (Respondent)
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ITA No. 2371, 2373-77 & 2067/MUM/2023
Bhisma Agro Food Products Pvt. Ltd.; A.Ys.14-15 to 18-19 & 21-22
Assessee by
: Shri Rajiv Khandelwal, CA ,
Revenue by
: Shri S.Srinivasu CIT DR &Shri
Ashok Ku ma r Ambastha, SR
Date of hearing:
Date of pronouncement :
12. 04.2024
1. In this bunch, there are seven appeals filed by the parties in case
ofBhisma Agro food products private limited, New Delhi
(Assessee/Appellant) involving similar issues arising out of search under
section 132 of The IncomeTax Act [The Act] on the JMJ group on
8/2/2021. against the appellate order passed by The Commissioner of
Income Tax (Appeals) – 48, Mumbai [The Learned CIT – A] for
assessment year 2014 – 15 to 2017 – 18 and 2018 – 19 by order dated
25/4/2023 and another appellate order passed on that date also for
assessment year 2020 – 21 and 2021 – 22. For assessment year 2015 – 16
parties have filed cross appeals and for other years the Deputy
Commissioner of Income Tax, Central Circle – 2 (2), Mumbai (The
Learned AO) is in appeal.
2. These appeals are as under:-
i. ITA number 2377/M/2023 is filed by The Deputy
Commissioner of Income Tax, Central Circle – 2 (2),
Mumbai (the AO) for assessment year 2014 – 15 wherein the
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appeal filed by the assessee against the assessment order
passed under section 153C of The Income Tax Act dated
31/3/2022 was partly allowed.Following grounds of appeal
are raised:-
“1. Whether on the facts and circumstances of
the case and in law, the Ld. CIT(A) erred in
deleting the addition u/s 68 of the Income Tax Act,
1961 amounting to Rs. 1,81,00,000/- made by the
assessing officer, without considering the facts
and circumstances of the case and settled position
of law.
2. Whether on the facts and circumstances of
the case and in law, the Ld. CIT(A) erred in
deleting the addition u/s 69C of the Income Tax
Act 1961 amounting to Rs. 1,49,48,661/ made by
the assessing officer, without considering the facts
and circumstances of the case and settled position
of law.”
ii. ITA number 2371/M/2023 is filed by the AO and the
assessee files ITA number 2067/M/2023 for A.Y. 2015-16
wherein the appeal filed by the assessee against assessment
order passed by the AO under section 153C of the act on
31/3/2022, is partly allowed. Following grounds of appeal
are raised:-
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a. Grounds in ITA No. 2371/Mum/2023 are as
"1. Whether on the facts and
circumstances of the case and in law, Ld.
CIT(A) erred in deleting the addition u/s
68 of the Income Tax Act, 1961
amounting to Rs. 10,14,45,908/- made by
the assessing officer, without considering
the facts and circumstances of the case
and settled position of law.
2. Whether on the facts and
circumstances of the case and in law, Ld.
CIT (A) erred in deleting the addition u/s
69C of the Income Tax Act, 1961
amounting to Rs. 2, 88,00,000/- made by
the assessing officer, without considering
the facts and circumstances of the case
and settled position of law officer, without
considering the facts and circumstances
of the case and settled position of law."
b. Grounds in ITA No. 2067/Mum/2023 are as
"The learned Assessing Officer has erred
in making addition u/s 69C of the Income
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Tax Act, 1961 amounting to Rs.
2,88,00,000/- without considering the facts
and circumstances of the case and settled
position of law.”
iii. ITA number 2374/M/2023 for AY 2016-17 is filed by the
assessing officer against the appellate order wherein appeal
against the assessment order passed under section 143 (3)
read with section 153C of the act dated 31/3/2022 was
allowed. Following grounds of appeal are raised:-
"1. Whether on the facts and circumstances of
the case and in law, Ld. CIT(A) erred in deleting
the addition w/s 68 of the Income Tax Act, 1961
amounting to Rs. 3,08,75,945/- made by the
assessing officer, without considering the facts
and circumstances of the case and settled position
of law.
2. Whether on the facts and circumstances of
the case and in law, Ld. CIT(A) erred in deleting
the addition u/s 69A, of the Income Tax Act, 1961
amounting to Rs. 2,39,12,100/- made by the
assessing officer, without considering the facts
and circumstances of the case and settled position
of law.
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3. Whether on the facts and circumstances of
the case and in law, Ld. CIT(A) erred in deleting
the addition u/s 69C of the Income Tax Act 1961
amounting to Rs. 1,54,28,550/- made by an
assessing officer, without considering the facts
and circumstances of the case and settled position
of law."
iv. ITA number 2375/M/2023 is filed by the learned assessing
officer for AY 2017-18 against the appellate order passed by
the learned CIT – A wherein the assessment order passed
under section 143 (3) read with section 153C of the act was
partly allowed. Following grounds of appeal are raised:-
"1. Whether on the facts and circumstances of
the case and in law, Ld. CIT(A) erred in deleting
the addition was 68 of the Income Tax Act, 1961
amounting to Rs. 1,76,47,599/- made by the
assessing officer without considering the facts and
circumstances of the case and settled position of
2. Whether on the facts and circumstances of
the case and in law, Ld. CIT (A) erred in deleting
the addition u/s 69A of the Income Tax Act, 1961
amounting to Rs. 1,18,80,500/- made by the
assessing officer. Without considering the facts
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and circumstances of the case and settled position
of law.
3. Whether on the facts and circumstances of
the case and in law, Ld. CIT(A) erred in deleting
the addition u/s 69C of the Income Tax Act 1961
amounting to Rs. 1,47,84,670/- made by the
assessing officer, without considering the facts
and circumstances of the case and settled position
of law."
v. ITA number 2373/M/2023 is filed by the learned assessing
officer against appellate order passed by the learned CIT – A
in the appeal of the assessee against the assessment order
passed under section 143 (3) read with section 153C of the
act for assessment year 2018-19. Following grounds of
appeal are raised:-
"1. Whether on the facts and circumstances of
the case and in law, the learned CIT (A) erred in
deleting the addition under Section 68 of Income-
tax Act, 1961 amounting to ₹1,40,05,099/- made
by the Assessing Officer, without considering the
facts and circumstances of the case and settled
position of law."
vi. ITA number 2376/M/2023 is filed by the learned AO for
A.Y 2021-22 wherein appeal against the assessment order
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passed under section 143 (3) of the act dated 7/4/2022 was
dismissed by the learned CIT – A.Following grounds of
appeal are raised:-
"1. Whether on the facts and circumstances of
the case and in law, the learned CIT (A) erred in
deleting the addition under Section 68 of the
Income Tax Act, 1961 amounting to ₹41,88,000/-
made by the Assessing Officer, without
considering the facts and circumstances of the
case and settled position of law.
2. Whether on the facts and circumstances of
the case and in law, the learned CIT (A) erred in
deleting the addition under Section 69A of the
Income Tax Act, 1961 amounting to ₹42,79,483/-
made by the Assessing Officer, without
considering the facts and circumstances of the
case and settled position of law."
3. Brief facts of the case show that :-
i. Assessee is a domestic company engaged in the business
of manufacturing of coca, chocolates and super
ii. Search under section 132 of the income tax act was
conducted on JMJ group and others. Consequent to the
search operation the assessee's case was centralised with
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the office of the learned assessing officer and subsequently
further orders were passed under section 127 of the act.
iii. A search was also carried out under section 132 (1) of the
act at the residential premises of Mr Manoj Sharma.
During search, it was found that Manoj Sharma's brother-
in-law of Mr Jadish Joshi is the main person of the group
on which the searchhas been conducted.
iv. Mr. Manoj Sharma was working under the directions and
instructions of Mr JadishJoshi andMr. Sharma is a relative
of Mr JadishJoshi. Mr Manoj Sharma executed all the
transactions at the behest of and under the instruction of
Mr Jadish Joshi.
v. Several materials were seized and found an impounded
during search. It was found that Mr Manoj Sharma is
handling business operations and other duties in India and
in foreign countries.
vi. During search based on the seized documents it was
admitted by Mr Sharma in his statement that the cash
handling work and hawala transaction of Mr Jadish Joshi's
companies like Bhisma Agro foods products. Mr Sharma
also managed Unicot Food products private limited.
vii. In Income tax return, Mr Manoj Sharma has shown only
nominalincome that is below ₹ 5 lakhs.
viii. During search it was found that his wife Mrs. Sangeeta
Sharma is merely a partner on paper in the group entities
of Mr Jadish Joshi holding 20% share of profit in the
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smart perfumery and essential oil, Samaira enterprises,
director in global technology and trademark private
limited, BV, partner in Sangeeta enterprises etc.
ix. Therefore, it was concluded by the revenue authorities that
the family of the Manoj Sharma is working forJagdish
Joshi and the living expenses of Mr Manoj Sharma and
family was born by Mr Jadish Joshi through group entities.
x. During search at the residential premises of Mr. Manoj
Sharma lose documents numbered 3 – 6, 10, 11 and 12
were found and seized , were inventoried as annexure – 3
containing various details of cash receipts and transfers
made and the expenses incurred in cash in relation to
Bhisma Agro food products private limited and Unicot
food products private limited.
xi. Documents shows that the cash receipts are generated
from an unaccounted sale made by the assessee and
Unicote Food products private limited to the extent of ₹
20,290,325/- for assessment year 2016 – 17, ₹
19,050,325/- for assessment year 2015 – 16, ₹
26,665,174/- for assessment year 2017 – 18, ₹
312,76,120 for assessment year 2020 – 21 and ₹
22,719,500/- for assessment year 2021 – 22. These are
tabulated based on the loose sheets found and seized.
xii. Statement of three employees were recorded on 9/2/2021
and 10/2/2021 including Mr Sharma wherein as per
question number 1, he was asked to identify himself
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wherein it was stated that he was residing at Unicote food
products private limited office bungalow at Coimbatore.
Further, in answer to question number 13, he was asked
about his work in Coimbatore wherein he stated that he
was supervising the work of Unicot food products private
limited on the instruction of MrJagdish Joshi. MrJadish
Joshi is 95% shareholder of Unicot Food products. Thus, it
was clear that Manoj Sharma was working under the
instructions and directions of Mr Jadish Joshi. Manoj
Sharma was handling day-to-day work of Unicot Food
products private limited and Samaira enterprises. Mr
Manoj Sharma received day-to-day unaccounted cash
generated from unaccounted sales made by Mr Jadish
Joshi group companies, and from those amounts, Mr.
Manoj managed his expenses.
xiii. During assessment year, 2017 – 18 the business of Bhisma
Agro foods Private Limited [Assessee Company]
wasclosed due to some labour problems and the business
of Unicot food products private limited commenced its
business. Thus, up to assessment year 2017 – 18 Bhisma
Agro Food private limited and thereafter M/s Unicote
Food private limited are adopting similar strategies of
showing its unaccounted sales up to assessment year 2017
– 18 in the name of Sangeeta enterprises and thereafter in
the name of Samaira enterprises.
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xiv. Thus, the transactions are up to assessment year 2017 – 18
between and related to Bhisma Agro food products private
limited relate to sales of Sangeeta enterprises and
thereafter of Unicote Foods products private limited with
Samaira enterprises.
xv. Thus, after assessment year 2017 – 18, the names of the
entities and the business operations were carried out in the
different entities in similar manner.
xvi. During search, at the premises of Unicot food products
private limited, cash invoices issued by two entities
namely M/s Samaira enterprises and M/s Sangeeta
enterprises were found. The employees of the group stated
that these invoices are prepared and managed in the
premises of Unicote Food products private limited at the
direction of Mr Manoj Sharma.
xvii. It was further stated that these cash sales invoices prepared
in the name of Samaira enterprises and Sangeeta
enterprises are bogus in nature as no actual sales are ever
made by these entities to the other parties.
xviii. Unicote food products private limited and Bhisma Agro
food products private limited are the entities who made the
cash sales which were not accounted in the books of these
entities, such cash is handled by Mr Manoj Sharma and
other employees, which was converted into cash sales in
the books of M/s Samiara Enterprises and M/s Sangeeta
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xix. Thus, unaccounted sales of the assessee company were not
recorded though in the books of the assessee, but cash so
generated is shown ascash sales of Sangeeta enterprises
and Samaira enterprises. Thus, cash sales shown in these
entities i.e. M/s Samaira Enterprises and M/s Sangeeta
Enterprises are bogus, as those entities did not sale any
xx. The books of accounts of both these entities were also
maintained at the premises of assessee and Unicote food
products private limited. Mr Manoj Sharma is a partner
having 20% shares in Sangeeta enterprises and Samaira
enterprises thus Mr Manoj Sharma was managing all these
four entities at the direction of Mr Jack the Joshi.
xxi. Thus, from the seized documents it was found that Bhisma
food products private limited up to assessment year 2016 –
17 and Unicote Food products private limited thereafter
had are unaccounted cash sales from their operations by
under invoicing. Such cash was handed over to the various
persons and operated by Mr Manoj Sharma at the
instruction of Mr Jadish Joshi; such cash was deposited in
the bank account of M/s Sangeeta enterprises and M/s
Samaira enterprises. These cash deposits are shown as
small cash sales in sales invoices of less than ₹ 50,000.
Based on the cash sales, in the name of Samaira
enterprises and Sangeeta enterprises, small profits are
shown in their books of accounts and filed the return of
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income. Thus, the issue is that though the unaccounted
sales belong to Bhisma Agro food products private
limited and unicote food products private limited but is
shown as cash sales of Sangeeta enterprises and Samaira
xxii. The statement of Mr Manoj Sharma, Mr Arvind Kumar
Singh, and Mr Jayakumar Jain who operated the same
confirms these facts.
xxiii. During search, the books of account of Samaira
enterprises and Sangeeta enterprises were found at the
premises of Unicote Food products private limited along
with the cash sale invoices of Samaira enterprises and
Sangeeta enterprises.
4. Therefore, the learned AO based on seized documents found that the sales
recorded in the books of Sangeeta enterprises and Samaira enterprises is
in fact sales of Bhisma Agro food products private limited and Unicote
food products private limited. It was also found that both these dummy
entities i.e.,Samaira enterprises and Sangeeta enterprises have also
shown some sales made by them to Bhisma Agro food products private
limited and Unicote food products private limited for which there were
no supporting documents either in the form of lorry receipt, transport
details, delivery challans etc. Therefore,a sale made by these two dummy
entities to the assessee and Unicote food products private limited is also
not genuine. Thus,based on the lose documents found AO reached at the
conclusion that :-
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i. Sales shown by Samaira enterprises is in fact unaccounted
sale of Unicotefood products private limited and sales shown
by Sangeeta enterprises is unaccounted sale of Bhisma Agro
food products private limited.
ii. Purchases made by Unicote food products private limited
from Samaira enterprises and from Sangeeta enterprises by
Assessee are bogus sales of these entities as there were no
supporting documents.
5. Thus, in the hands of Unicote food products private limited for
assessment year 2020 – 21 and 2021 – 22 and for assessment year 2016 –
17 and 2017 – 18, unaccounted sales areadded u/s 68 of the Act which is
cash sales recorded in the books of Samaira enterprises and for Ay
2014-15 to AY 2017-18 in the hands of Bhisma Agro foods Private
Limited of sales of Sangeeta enterprises respectively.
6. Further purchases shown by Unicote food products private limited from
Samaira enterprises and by Bhisma Agro food products private limited
from Sangeeta enterprises for respective years is considered as
unexplained expenditure under section 69C of the act of both these
7. There were some other incriminating evidencehaving other issues were
found and seized; those were used for making the assessment and resulted
into addition u/s 69 C of the Act.
8. In this background, as the request of the parties, wetake up the appeals for
assessment year 2015 – 16 filed by both the parties against the
Consolidated Appellate order passed by the first appellate authority.
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9. Brief facts for AY 2015-16 shows that assessee filed its return of income
under section 139 (1) of The Act on 30/10/2015 at a loss of ₹ 19,714,768.
Based on the seized documents, it was found that the unaccounted sales
of the assessee for assessment year 2015-16 is ₹ 101,445,908/–. This is
sales made by assessee to Sangeeta enterprises, which was not backed by
the respective lorry receipts etc added under section 68 of The Income
Tax Act by the AO as the assessee has failed to show to whom goodsare
10. There was an issue of unexplained expenditure of ₹ 288 lakhs made in the
hands of the assessee for this assessment year. During search loose paper
file containing 1 – 360 was found. Page number 353 of the annexure
shows the total expenses of Rs 2.88 crores for the advertisement are made
from which ₹ 1.65 crores have been paid in cash to one Mr Rajeev Arora.
This contains details of expenses for Santoor advertisement of the
assessee company. The document also mentions a cheque payment to Mr
Rajeev Arrora dated 4/3/2014, which is stated to be not cleared/
encashed. Assessee was questioned on this paper. It was stated on
14/7/2021 that these documents pertain to the advertisement of product of
the company, but no explanation was offered for the cash payment of ₹
1.65 crores. The AO noted that as per annexure A – 29 cash vouchers for
various parties for financial year 2014 – 15 amounting to ₹ 1.19 crores
are found which is the remaining amount given to Mr Rajeev Arrora. The
figures in the statement were mentioned in Kgs wherein 1 KG stands for
₹ 1 lakh. This was confirmed from document number 335 and 334. The
document number 335 is a cash voucher dated 4/6/2014 stating 25 Kgs.
Based on the actual cash voucher dated 5/6/2014 show the payment of ₹
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25 lakhs. Thus, the AO held that 1 KG refers to ₹ 1 lakh. Assessee was
questioned about the explanation about advertisement expenditure of Rs
2.88 crores. Assessee could not show the substantial proof, or the cash
transaction carried out between the assessee and Mr Rajeev Arrora. As
assessee failed to establish the genuineness and the creditworthiness of
the cash, transaction of Rs 2.88 crore given to Mr Rajeev Aurora the
addition was made as unexplained expenditure under section 69C of the
11. Consequently, assessment order under section 153C of the Act was
passed on 31/3/2022 wherein the returned income of a loss of ₹
19,714,768/- was assessed at ₹ 130,245,908/-. It resulted into an addition
of unexplained income under section 68 of the act of ₹ 101,445,908/- and
unexplained expenditure under section 69C of the act of ₹ 288 lakhs.
Therefore, in the assessment order these are the only two disputes which
were carried before the learned CIT – A.
12. The learned CIT – A was seized of appeal of the assessee for assessment
year 2014 – 15 to 2018 – 19, those were disposed of by the Consolidated
appellate order dated 25/4/2023.
i. On the first ground of addition under section 68 of ₹
101,445,908/– , the learned CIT – A held that he has decided
the identical ground in the case of Unicote Food products
private limited on identical facts and circumstances and
further in the case of the assessee for assessment year 2015 –
16 as well, wherein he deleted the addition. Therefore, he
deleted the addition of ₹ 101,445,908/– under section 68 of
The Income Tax Act allowing ground number 1.
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ii. With respect to the second ground of addition under section
69C of the act of ₹ 288 lakhs he dismissed the appeal of the
assessee holding that the document is related to the
advertisement expenditure and where there is a clear
mention of the cash payments on it. Thus, he confirmed the
addition of ₹ 288 lakhs under section 69C of the act.This is
the only Ground of appeal by assessee.
13. The main reason for deletion of addition under section 68 while deleting
the addition for assessment year 2015 – 16 in the hands of the assessee as
per paragraph number 6 of his appellate order, he gives the justification
for following the order in the case of Unicote Food products private
limited. He also notes that identical Assessment Order have been passed
in the hands of Unicote food products private limited and the assessee.
The seized documents are also the same. The logic of the AO for making
the addition in the hands of Unicot food products private limited with
respect to transactions with Samaira enterprises and logic of addition
made in the hands of this assessee for transaction with M/S Sangeeta
Enterprises are also identical. Therefore, as he has deleted the addition in
the case of Unicote food private limited of the sales made to Samaira
enterprises by that entity, he deleted the addition in the hands of this
assessee with respect to sales made by the assessee to Sangeeta
enterprises. Thus, the deletion of the addition under section 68 of the
income tax act has resulted into an appeal filed by the learned assessing
officer before us.
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14. The addition confirmed by the learned CIT – A under section 69C of ₹
288 lakhs of unaccounted advertisement expenditure has resulted into
appeal filed by the assessee before us.
15. On the ground of appeal of the learned AO, the learned departmental
representative made a written submission on 13/2/2024 wherein he has
discussed the various statements recorded during search. He submits that
a statement of Mr Manoj Sharma was recorded on 10/2/2021 wherein in
answer to question number 16 – 18 that there is an unaccounted sale in
case of Unicote food products private limited. He also referred to the
statement recorded of Mr Arvind Kumar Singh wherein he has
specifically confessed in answer to question number 16 that Samaira
enterprises did not make any sales. Cash is given by Mr Manoj to
employees and is deposited in the account of Samaira. Ultimately, this
cash deposited in the bank account of Samaira Enterprise was shown as
sales in the books of Samaira Enterprises. He further referred to the
statement of Mr Ganesh Gopi recorded on 9/2/2021 wherein also the
above statement is confirmed. He vehemently submitted that.
i. Sales made by the assessee to Sangeeta enterprises are
completely bogus as there is no evidence of movement of
goods from assessee to Sangeeta enterprises.
ii. The learned departmental representative referred to various
invoices shown by assessee with respect to sales made to
Sangeeta enterprises. He submitted that such invoices are
available in the paper book furnished by the assessee.
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iii. He submits that with respect to the dispatch, the only one
lorry number TN40D 2011 is mentioned. He submits that in
all the invoices of ₹ 10.44 crores only one lorry is used.
iv. He further referred to the invoices issued by the assessee at
page number 270 onwards which clearly shows that in one
lorry the goods have been moved and on one day, the lorry
covered the distance which could not have been covered by
that lorry looking at the address from which the goods have
been dispatched to the destination address where the goods
have been delivered allegedly.
v. He also referred to the distance and stated that by no stretch
of imagination this could have been possible. He further
submitted that all the bills are having the same lorry number
for dispatch also shows that the sales are not genuine.
vi. He further submitted that if the sales are not genuine, the
addition under section 68 of the income tax act deserves to
be upheld.
vii. Learned CIT – A has deleted the addition in the hands of the
assessee by following the appellate order passed by the
learned CIT – A for assessment year 2015 – 16. In the order
for assessment year 2015 – 16, the learned CIT – A followed
the order in case of Unicot food products private limited.
viii. He submits that the finding of the learned CIT – A is
identical is devoid of any merit because there was no such
allegation of using one lorry which travelled at jet speedfor
delivery of goods between two destinations.
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ix. He specifically referred to his submission dated 13/2/2024
wherein it has been submitted that there is no possibility to
transport such a huge quantity of goods in a single lorry. He
referred to the simple bills, he also referred to distance
between the destination and source of the goods.
16. Against the above arguments, the learned authorised representative
vehemently submitted that.
i. Appellate order of the learned CIT – A which was relied
upon by him in case of Unicot food products private limited
has been upheld by the coordinate bench.
ii. There is an identical facts pattern between the transaction
between Unicote food products private limited with Samaira
enterprises and of assessee i.e. Bhisma Agro Food products
private limited and Sangeeta enterprises. This is admitted by
the LD AO in assessment order itself.
iii. sales are accounted for in the books of the assessee,
quantitative details are produced, it is an excise duty
chargeable product which has been sold, same is also
recorded in the books of the assessee as sales, purchases are
recorded in the books of Sangeeta enterprises, books of
accounts of the assessee are not rejected but accepted, the
sale consideration is received by cheque, quantitative details
are not disputed either by the excise authorities, VAT
authorities either in the case of the assessee or in the case of
Sangeeta enterprises, these facts are not in dispute.
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iv. Addition is merely, made on basis of statements of
employees who have already retracted the same and hence,
reliance on such statements cannot be made. None of the
employees is examined during the assessment proceedings.
v. The learned AO could not have made addition of the sales
already recorded in the books of the assessee and on which
profits are shown.
vi. For cash credit assessee has proved identity of M/s
Sangeeta Enterprises, Creditworthiness also as it is an
assessee, payments are through banking channels, Sources of
fund is sales recorded in the books of Sangeeta Enterprises,
it is assessed to Income tax. There is no dispute that profit
shown by Sangeeta enterprises is Bogus, there is no evidence
about the onus established by the assessee. Thus,the assessee
explains Nature of Credit and sources of such credit. Hence,
addition u/s 68 is rightly deleted by the LD CIT (A) and
confirmed by ITAT.
vii. With respect to the lorry in which the goods have travelled,
assessee has stated that this lorry belongs to the assessee, in
the same lorry as it is a sister concern goods are
transferred/transported, the distance shown by the AO is
found from Google maps showing the different
address/destination location. The distance is very less, and
the goods are shown to have been transported in that lorry.
Further, the AO has not doubted that the lorry in which the
goods have been shipped/transported has travelled at a jet
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speed that is not the case of the AO; it is the only arguments
of the ld. DR.
viii. With respect to the statement of the various persons based on
which the AO has made the addition have already been dealt
with in the appellate order of the ITAT in case of unicote
food products private limited, that order is of the ITAT on
similar facts and circumstances.
ix. In absence of any different facts and circumstances, that the
judgement binds the ITAT. No other view on the same facts
is permissible by the same strength of the coordinate bench.
x. The distance shown by the learned departmental
representative of 54 km is incorrect. He submits that such
distance is hardly 22 km. The learned departmental
representative has taken the wrong address of destination.
Therefore, the whole submission made by the learned
departmental representative dated 13/2/2024 based on the
distance of 54 km is devoid of any merit.
xi. It was further stated that assessee has dealt with in excisable
goods, paid excise duty on the removal of goods on monthly
basis, such excise payment is not disputed by anybody, and
therefore, removal of goods from the factory of the assessee
is undisputed.
xii. There is no evidence available with the revenue authorities
that the goods removed from the factory of the assessee has
travelled to different destination then dispatched to the
premises of Sangeeta enterprises.
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17. In the rejoinder, the learned departmental representative vehemently
stated that.
i. In the ITAT , CIT (A) and ld. AO order of Unicote Food
products Private Limited there is no recording of the fact that
whether the goods have travelled in the same lorry or not,
the coordinate bench has also not given any finding of the
fact but has merely reproduced the order of the learned CIT
– A. In absence of any independent finding by the coordinate
bench, that order does not bind the coordinate bench.
ii. Even otherwise that decision is distinguishable on the fact
that over and above the other allegations of the revenue, it is
conclusively proved by the revenue that the lorry which has
been mentioned in all the invoices is one, the distance stated
between the two places i.e. source and the destination insofar
as that such a lorry could not have transported the goods in
which the timings are stated in the invoices.
iii. He submits that the coordinate bench in the case of Unicote
for products private limited has accepted the contentions of
the learned authorised representative regarding the sales
made by that company to Samaira enterprises only on the
basis of the turnover, gross profit, net profit of the Samaira
enterprises and has not considered very absence of primary
evidences/documents such as lorry receipts, delivery
challans which were not produced by the assessee during
search and survey action and statement of the various
persons that there is no actual sales to Samaira enterprises
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and Sangeeta enterprises. These facts clearly established that
the appellant contentions/claim is made and is simply
accepted by the Tribunal in the order are neither justifiable
not acceptable when facts and evidence are not forthcoming
from appellant.
iv. He further submitted that the vehicle used in one the
invoices is only onevehicle, which is neither registered in the
name of the directors of the company or the partner of Mrs
and with enterprises. Further, the average weight, which is
carried on by the vehicle, is almost 5000 KG and the loading
and unloading itself is consumed more than one is. In each
trip, the lorry carries on an average 5000 KG of load of
around hundred bags of 50 KG each. However, the same
time taken by the lower is to and from our hardly two hours
which includes time for loading and unloading. For delivery
of goods the assessee has only maintain the invoices issued
by assessee and not supported by delivery challans, get past
or excise records. The invoices are prepared in the
handwriting of only one person and the time taken is always
in round figure, which only indicates that the same are
prepared only to support the sales. The coordinate bench in
its order has accepted that the Herbal Nuts were sold to two
parties but the same are shown in the hence of Unicote food
products private limited. Unicote food products private
limited would have also prepared the invoices for such sales
in the name of Samaira enterprises without actual movement
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of the goods. The EV appeal is concerned, Mr Sharma has
already diverged the modus operandi of generation of
unaccounted cash and the weapons. In support of road
distance from the appellant's address to the assessee's
premises, the distances obtained from the Google Maps and
vehicle registration detail shows that it is almost 50 km.
Therefore, the sales made by the assessee to Sony time to
prices could not have been accepted as genuine.
18. The learned authorised representative has also invoked the provisions of
rule 27 of the ITAT's rules by the application dated 22/9/2023 wherein it
has been stated that the satisfaction note recorded under section 153C
does not have document identification number and therefore it is invalid.
As satisfaction note is invalid, assessment based on that is also invalid.
The learned authorised representative relied upon the decision of the
honourable Bombay High Court in case of Ashok commercials
enterprises [2023] 154 144 (Bombay)/[2023] 459 ITR 100
(Bomb. Wherein it has been held that if an order/communication is to be
issued without a DIN, it can be done only after recording reasons in
writing in file and with prior written approval of Chief
Commissioner/Director General of Income Tax. Therefore, the learned
authorised representative submitted that the satisfaction not provided does
not have a DIN; therefore, the assessment order itself is bad. Thus, issue
is squarely covered in favour of the assessee.
19. The learned departmental representative vehemently submitted that the
argument made by the learned authorised representative is devoid of any
merit. He submits that there is no communication of satisfaction note to
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any other person other than the assessing officer. When there is no
communication, behaviour is the need of document identification number.
He submits that let the assessee prove first that there is a communication
between department to the assessee or any other person outside
department, and then there is a requirement of putting document
identification number. If the communication is between the departmental
officers only, the circular does not provide for putting document
identification number. He specifically referred to Circular No. 19/2019
dated 14th August 2019. He submits that the whole intention of the
circular is that if there is a communication from the income tax
department it should have been issued with a document identification
number. He submits that on reading of that circular there is no provision
that internal communication of revenue officers must also contain
document identification number. He even otherwise submitted that in
case of Ashok commercials enterprises (supra) there was no
communication either any other assessing officer or to any other person
outside the department. Therefore, the argument of the learned authorised
representative deserves to be rejected at the threshold itself.
20. Firstly, we discussed the invocation of provisions of rule 27 of the
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal Rules, 1963 by the learned authorised
representative. We have carefully considered the rival contention and
perused the orders of the lower authorities. Before us, the learned
authorised representative could not show that there is any communication
of satisfaction note. The circular number 19/2019 dated 14 August 2019
only speaks about the communication. If the learned authorised
representative could not show the communication of satisfaction note,
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there is no reason to put any document identification number that on.
Therefore, we do not find any reason that the decision of the honourable
Bombay High Court comes to the rescue of the assessee. As the learned
authorised representative failed to prove any communication, there is no
question of putting document identification number thereon. Accordingly,
the grounds raised by the learned authorised representative invoking the
provisions of rule 27 of the ITAT rules are dismissed.
21. Now we come to the merits of the case of ground number 1.We have
carefully considered the rival contention and perused the orders of the
lower authorities. The allegation in this case is that for this assessment
year 2017 – 18, addition u/s 68 has been made of sales made by assessee
to Sangeeta enterprises and from assessment year 2018 – 19 onwards
unicote food products Ltd has made its sale to Samaira enterprises. Such
sale is recorded in the books of the assessee for the respective period and
of Unicote food products private limited post FY2017 – 18 that is bogus
and therefore the addition under section 68 of the income tax act has been
made. As far as the issue is concerned, up to assessment year 2017 – 18
and after 2018 – 19 in the case of assessee as well as Unicote Food
products private limited is identical. The case of the unique court food
products private limited has been decided by the learned CIT – A which
has travelled before the coordinate bench in coordinate bench has upheld
the order of the learned CIT – A deleting the addition under section 68 of
the income tax act made by the AO with respect to sales made by unicote
food products private limited to Samaira enterprises. The coordinate
bench has held in those cases of M/s. Unicot Food Products Pvt. Ltd.
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[ITA No.1803-1805/Mum/2023 (Assessment Year: 2019-2020, 2020-21
& 2021-22)] dated 30/09/2023 as under:-
"15. After considering the above submissions made by the ld.
CIT DR as well as ld. Counsel for the assessee we find that
before the ld. AO as well as ld. CIT (A), assessee had stated
that in order to cater to the demand of herbal nut in the state of
Tamilnadu, there was another entity which was handling the
supply chain to various retailers and small vendors which was
M/s. Samaira Enterprises. The assessee would sell the product
to M/s. Samaira Enterprises which in turn would sell the
products to the small and unorganized pan masala customers
from its office / depot as over the counter sales. These retailers
used to buy the products in cash. All the sales made to M/s.
Samaira Enterprises has been duly reflected in the books of
accounts of the assessee company and also offered as income
on which VAT, GST has also been collected and paid. Further,
the counter sales made by M/s. Samaira Enterprises have also
been recorded in its books of accounts and have been offered
to tax in its return of income. It is also a matter of fact that in
the statement recorded by Shri Manoj Kumar Sharma, he has
merely stated that he was handling the cash sales on behalf of
M/s. Unicot Food Products Pvt. Ltd. and M/s. Samaira
Enterprises belong to his wife Ms. Sangeeta Sharma. Before
the ld. CIT(A), assessee had clarified and reconciled each and
every entry of the loose sheets which has been dealt and
incorporated in the appellate order at pages 15 & 16 and also
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assessee has given point-wise rebuttal of ld. AO‟s
observations. It is after considering the entire gamut of facts,
the ld. CIT (A) has held that it is borne out from the records
that M/s. Samaira Enterprises has been regularly filing its
return of income on sale of herbal nuts purchased from
assessee and he has also incorporated the trading account of
M/s. Samaira Enterprises which has been incorporated at page
28 of his finding as incorporated above. He has also noted that
out of sales at Rs.7,24,37,751/- made in F.Y.2020-21,
Rs.4,21,43,750/- has been made to M/s. Samaira Enterprises
which constitute 58% of the total sales. The ld. AO has not
even examined the sales of M/s. Samaira Enterprises and has
neither verified, whether the sales made by M/s. Samaira
Enterprises is same which has been recorded in the loose
papers. According to ld. AO, the entire cash sales reflected in
the loose sheets pertain to the assessee when there are
corresponding sales which has been accounted in the books of
M/s. Samaira Enterprises. If that premise of the AO is to be
accepted then sale of M/s. Samaira Enterprises would be nil
which cannot be the case, because this entity has shown sales
and is assessed to tax since past. Thus, based on these
documents and the ld. CIT (A) has given his elaborate finding
for his conclusion and given direction to the ld. AO in para
6.10 and 6.11 as incorporated above, wherein, he has directed
the ld. AO to verify and cross check, whether the sales adopted
by him from the loose sheets appears in the cash book / bank
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book / sales of M/s. Samaira Enterprises or not and similar
exercise to be undertaken with respect to expenses of the
outgoing in the loose sheets seized and impounded from the
search proceedings. We do not find any reason to tinker with
such a direction which is based on the facts and material on
record. Accordingly, order of the ld. CIT(A) is confirmed on
the grounds raised by the Revenue is dismissed."
22. We find that only difference in that order of the coordinate bench is that
instead of the name of Samaira enterprises, it is Sangeeta enterprises and
the change for sales. Thus, the amount of sales recorded by the assessee
in its books of accounts made to Sangeeta enterprises is absolutely
covered by the above decision.
23. However, we hastened added that we do not find any argument in the
decision of unicot food products private limited which is raised before
us by the learned departmental representative of goods transported from
assessee to destination of Sangeeta enterprises in one lorry and at jet
speed. Though we find that the argument of the learned departmental
representative is correct that in these entire sales bill prepared by the
assessee that dispatch of goods from the factory of the assessee Mr
Sangeeta enterprises is only in one lorry. The learned authorised
representative has submitted that that lorry belongs to the assessee.
However, the learned departmental representative has raised the issue that
the distance between the factory of the assessee and destination of
Sangeeta enterprises is 54 km and therefore in the timing that is provided
in the invoices of dispatch of goods is not possible. We find that the
distant shown by the learned departmental representative of 54 km
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however the learned authorised representative has shown that the distance
has wrongly been calculated by the learned departmental representative
by Google Maps taking the wrong destination. The correct destination is
hardly 30 km away from the place of dispatch of goods to the destination
of delivery of goods. Even otherwise, from the excise records of the
assessee, the goods have been shown as dispatch to the Sangeeta
enterprises and relevant quantity of goods are reduced from the stock.
Such stock has been sold by Sangeeta enterprises and sales is assessed in
the hence of Sangeeta enterprises. Even in the case of unicot food
products private limited the dispute was with respect to the sales made by
that entity to Samaira enterprises, the coordinate bench has upheld in
favour of the assessee. Therefore, we do not find any reason to deviate
from the finding of the coordinate bench in that case. We confirm the
order of the learned CIT – A deleting the addition of ₹ 104,044,908/–
added by the learned assessing officer under section 68 of the income tax
act of the sales made by the assessee to M/s Sangeeta enterprises.
Accordingly, the ground No 1 raised by the learned AO is dismissed.
24. Second ground of appeal of the learned assessing officer is with respect to
the deletion of the addition under section 69C of the act of ₹ 288 lakhs.
On careful consideration of the order of the learned CIT – A in fact it is
the ground of appeal of assessee as the learned CIT – A has not deleted
the addition but has confirmed the addition. Therefore, this ground of
appeal of the learned assessing officer is erroneously taken. This fact has
also confirmed by the learned departmental representative that in fact the
learned CIT – A confirmed the addition of ₹ 288 lakhs. Accordingly,
ground number 2 of the appeal of the AO is dismissed.
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25. In the result, appeal filed by the learned AO is dismissed.
26. Now we come to the appeal of assessee wherein the only ground raised is
with respect to the confirmation of addition by the learned CIT – A ₹ 288
lakhs under section 69C of the act. The fact shows that there is
advertisement expenditure incurred by the assessee on video shooting of
its product "santoor". From the seized material it is noticed by the learned
AO that assessee has incurred total cost of ₹ 28,822,000 comprising of
video shooting expenditure of ₹ 21,072,000 and cost of actors of ₹
7,750,000 which is not recorded in the books of account of the assessee
and therefore the addition to that extent based on seized documents was
made. Before the assessing officer, the assessee could not prove that such
expenses are recorded in the books of the assessee. When the matter
reached before the learned CIT – A, the addition was confirmed holding
that these are the shooting expenses for advertisement of the product of
the assessee company for which proper explanation is not given to the
satisfaction of the assessing officer. Therefore, assessee is in appeal
before us.
27. The learned authorised representative vehemently submitted that addition
is wrongly made by the learned assessing officer. He referred to the paper
book page number 445 wherein the seized documents are placed. He
submitted that the payment made in cash from Mr Rajeev Arora refers to
date of 31 December 2013 is ₹ 165 lakhs. He further submitted that
payments to the actors are given by Mr Rajeev Arrora of ₹ 64 lakhs.
Therefore, total to be given to Mr Rajeev Arora and Sohamis ₹
5,922,000/–. Accordingly, the total amount of expenditure shown in that
seized document is ₹ 288 lakhs. His arguments are [1] His first
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argument was that such document is a dumb document, and no addition
could have been made on such a document. [2] The second argument
raised by him is that the aggregate payment of ₹ 165 lakhs which
mentions date as 31/12/2013 means all payments have been made on or
before the date of 31/12/2013 and hence could not have been added for
relevant previous year starting from 1 April 2014 to 31st of March 2015
[AY 2015-16] and the date 31/12/2013 is outside the period of the
previous year. Therefore, the addition is wrongly made in this financial
year. [3] The third argument made by him is that in view of the matter at
the end of the page it is mentioned that the cheque given to Mr Rajeev
Aurora has not been cleared as on 4/3/2014 of ₹ 2,224,728/- which is not
cleared yet and the date is 4/3/2014 which means that all the writings and
details on the page is on or before 4 March 2014 which further support
the contention that the sum of ₹ 165 lakhs could not have been added in
the relevant previous year ending on 31st of March 2015 and the date
31/12/2013 it is outside the relevant previous year. In view of this, it was
the submission of the learned authorised representative that the impugned
addition requires to be deleted. [4] He further contended that a sum of ₹
64 lakhs is shown to be given by Mr Rajeev Arora and as such should not
be considered the expenses of the appellant hence it could not be added
even otherwise in the hands of assessee. His submission was that when
the sum is given by Mr Rajeev Aura how the same could have been added
in the hands of the assessee. He further stated that a sum of ₹ 5,922,000 is
stated to be given to Rajeev and Soham and as such, the amount is not
paid, hence it cannot be considered for making the unexplained
expenditure in the hands of the assessee. He further stated that when the
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expenditure itself has not been incurred by the assessee, how the addition
can be made. He further submitted that the learned CIT – A at the time of
confirmation of the addition did not give any logic of confirming the
addition in the hands of the assessee. Thus, his argument was that
expenditure does not belong to this year, and even if it belongs to this
year, part of the expenditure has not been incurred by the assessee as the
relevant cheques have not been cleared and the document itself says that
certain expenditure has been incurred by the other parties.
28. The learned departmental representative vehemently supported the order
of the learned lower authorities. He stated that before the learned
assessing officer the assessee has not given any explanation. He further
states that the document belongs to this year only and therefore the
argument of the learned authorised representative that expenditure does
not belong to this year deserves to be rejected. He further stated that the
expenditure is of the assessee of the product for advertisement
manufactured by the assessee, therefore it cannot be said that these
expenditures are not incurred by the assessee. He therefore submitted that
there is no infirmity in the orders of the lower authorities.
29. We have carefully considered the rival contention and perused the orders
of the lower authorities. During course of search, annexure A – 29 was
found and seized. It is placed at page number 450 – 578 of the paper
books II filed by the assessee. The relevant page number is 445. This
page is a typewritten document having four columns. Column number
one is serial number, column number two is o name of stars, column
number 3 is characters and column number 4 are total cost. Therefore,
two components of the total cost A and B. Total cost of A consist of
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making cost of santoor advertisement for 3 days amounting to ₹
21,072,000. B is the cost of seven actors for performing the above shoot
comprising of ₹ 7,750,000. The total cost of shooting and actors charges
are incurred of ₹ 28,822,000. As the product Santoor is owned by the
assessee, marketed by the assessee and manufactured by the assessee
naturally the expenditure is belonging to the assessee only. Thus, the
argument that these expenses do not belong to the assessee is devoid of
any merit. Thus, the expenditure of ₹ 28,822,000 has been incurred by the
assessee for advertisement of product. The lower part of that document
shows that how these expenditures have been disbursed. A sum of ₹ 165
lakhs is stated to be paid to Mr Rajeev Aurora till 31st of December 2013.
Further, out of total payment of actors of ₹ 7,750,000, it is mentioned that
payment of actors is given by Mr Rajeev amounting to ₹ 64 lakhs.
Thus,some of total payment A plus B of ₹ 229 lakhs is a payment made
by Rajeev Aurora stock further it is also mentioned that "total to be given
to Mr Rajeev and Shoham" ₹ 5,922,000/–. Further, it is mentioned that on
4/3/2014 a cheque is given to Mr Rajeev of ₹ 2,224,728/– which has not
yet been cleared. Thus, it is apparent that out of the total payment to be
made of the expenditure of ₹ 28,222,000 the payment of ₹ 229 lakhs
belongs to the period prior to 4/3/2014. Thus, the above payment, if at all
made, does not belong to financial year 2014 – 2015. Thus, addition
could not have been made for assessment year 2015 – 2016. There is
another angle to this document. Apparently, the total amount of the
expenditure that has been incurred is ₹ 28,822,000/–. These amounts of
expenditure have been met by the assessee by payment made in cash to
Mr Rajeev Aurora of ₹ 165 lakhs. Further sum of ₹ 64 lakhs has been
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paid by Mr Rajeev Aurora to various actors. Thus, ₹ 229 lakhs have
either been paid by Mr Rajeev Aurora directly or already paid by the
assessee to Mr Rajeev. Further this leaves the balance of ₹ 5,922,000
which is still stated to be payable to Mr Rajeev Aurora. Out of the sum, a
cheque of ₹ 2,224,728-dated 4/3/2014 is given to Mr Aurora, which has
yet not been cleared. Therefore, still balance of ₹ 3,697,272 remains.
There is no evidence of payment of this balance sum. Therefore, on
reading of this whole document, taking the relevance of the dates
mentioned on the document, it is apparent that it does not belong to the
assessment year 2015 – 16. Therefore, it cannot be said that for this
assessment year assessee has incurred any expenditure. Accordingly, the
addition of ₹ 288 lakhs made by the learned AO under section 69C of the
act and confirmed by the learned CIT – A is not sustainable and hence
directed to be deleted. Only ground of the appeal of the assessee is
30. In the result, solitary ground of appeal of assessee in ITA number
2067/M/2023 is allowed.
ITA number 2374/M/2023 AY 2016-17
31. Now we come to the appeal of learned assessing officer for assessment
year 2016 – 17 in ITA number 2374/M/2023. The first ground of appeal
is with respect to the addition under section 68 of the income tax act of ₹
30,875,945/– made by the learned assessing officer under section 68 of
the income tax act deleted by the learned CIT – A. Both the parties
agreed that this is identical to ground number 1 of the appeal of the
learned AO for assessment year 2015 – 16. It was also submitted that
their arguments also remain the same. As in that case while deciding the
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appeal of the learned assessing officer we have dismissed that ground and
confirmed the order of the learned CIT – A, for the similar reasons, we
confirm the order of the learned CIT – A and dismiss ground number 1 of
the appeal.
32. Ground number 2 of the appeal is with respect to the deletion of the
addition of ₹ 23,912,100 made by the learned assessing officer under
section 69A of the income tax act 1961. Brief facts of the case show that
based on the loose papers found the learned assessing officer noted that
during search at 6 and 7 JM house, GR to another, Lucy documents
number 3 – 6, 10 – 12 were found and seized. It contained the various
details of cash receipts and expenditure. As per rule sheet number three
cash transactions of ₹ 20,290,325/– were found. The learned AO
questioned Mr Manoj Sharma to show the details of nature and source of
generation of cash in hand along with documentary evidence for the
same. He further asked to provide the details of utilisation of the case and
the purpose of utilisation for the same and provide the details on that
direction the amount was spent. The learned assessing officer found that
addition of Rs 1 43,45,325/– is required to be made under section 69A
and a sum of ₹ 4,945,000/– is required to be made under section 69C of
the act as unexplained expenditure. Similarly, a loose paper number 4
was found wherein the cash transaction of ₹ 19,050,003 and 25 were
found. The learned assessing officer noted that a sum of ₹ 9,566,775/– is
required to be added as an unexplained money under section 69A of the
act and sum of ₹ 9,483,550/– is required to be made under section 69C of
the act. Despite the various opportunities, assessee could not furnish the
explanation to the satisfaction of the learned assessing officer. The
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learned AO noted that as Mr Manoj Sharma has failed to prove either
loose papers were found in his possession and the details of the
newspapers were not related to him stop further from the statement
recorded during the search of Mr Sharma and others it is clear that the
unaccounted money of Unicote food products private limited and
assessee were handled by Mr Manoj Sharma and park it as per the
direction of Mr Jagdish Joshi. The details and nature of cash transactions
newspapers were found in the possession of Mr Manoj Sharma and seized
during the search has not been explained.Therefore, the learned assessing
officer held that the cash transactions, which were, found in the
possession of Mr Sharma for the expense of the Unicote Food Products
private limited and assessee. None of the expenses is personal in nature
and therefore those expenses are unjustified. Accordingly, he made an
addition under section 69A of the act of ₹ 23,912,100 and ₹ 15,428,550/–
under section 69C of the act. On appeal before the learned CIT – A these
additions were challenged. As the learned CIT – A has decided the appeal
in case of Unicote food products private limited wherein the identical
additions have been deleted, following the decision; he deleted the
addition in case of the assessee also.
33. The learned departmental representative vehemently submitted that the
addition on the loose sheet was made based on the statement of Mr
Manoj Sharma recorded on 10/2/2021 and the learned CIT – A could not
have deleted the addition of the extensive referred to his written
submission made on 13/2/2024.
34. The learned authorised representative submitted that the decision of the
coordinate bench in case of Unicote for products Ltd which has
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confirmed the order of the learned CIT – A covers the whole issue in
favour of the assessee.
35. We have carefully considered the rival contention and perused the orders
of the lower authorities. We find that the order of the learned CIT – A in
case of Unicote for products private limited has travelled before the
coordinate bench wherein in ITA number 1803 – 1805/M/2023 for
assessment year 2019 – 20, 20 – 21 and 21 – 22 in case of Unicote for
products private limited decided on 30/9/2023 covers the whole issue. In
that appeal loose sheet number 6, 10, 11 and 12 were in question related
to unique court for products private limited. The documents were
identical to lose sheet number 3 – 5 related to the assessee. Identical
ground was raised by the learned assessing officer in assessment year 20
– 21 in case of unique court products private limited wherein the addition
of ₹ 22,719,500 under section 69A of the act were made. The coordinate
bench in paragraph number 14 of that order has referred to the
explanation given by the assessee and the findings of the learned CIT – A
in that case. Thereafter in paragraph number 15 the arguments of the
parties were discussed and thereafter reasons and its decisions are given
which is as under:-
"15. After considering the above submissions made by the ld. CIT
DR as well as ld. Counsel for the assessee we find that before the
ld. AO as well as ld. CIT (A), assessee had stated that in order to
cater to the demand of herbal nut in the state of Tamilnadu, there
was another entity which was handling the supply chain to various
retailers and small vendors which was M/s. Samaira Enterprises.
The assessee would sell the product to M/s. Samaira Enterprises,
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which in turn would sell the products to the small and
unorganized pan masala customers from its office / depot as over
the counter sales. These retailers used to buy the products in cash.
All the sales made to M/s. Samaira Enterprises has been duly
reflected in the books of accounts of the assessee company and
offered as income on which VAT, GST has also been collected
and paid. Further, the counter sales made by M/s. Samaira
Enterprises have also been recorded in its books of accounts and
have been offered to tax in its return of income. It is also a matter
of fact that in the statement recorded by Shri Manoj Kumar
Sharma, he has merely stated that he was handling the cash sales
on behalf of M/s. Unicot Food Products Pvt. Ltd. and M/s.
Samaira Enterprises belong to his wife Ms. Sangeeta Sharma.
Before the ld. CIT (A), assessee had clarified and reconciled each
entry of the loose sheets, which has been dealt and incorporated in
the appellate order at pages 15 & 16, and assessee has given
point-wise rebuttal of ld. AO‟s observations. It is after
considering the entire gamut of facts, the ld. CIT (A) has held that
it is borne out from the records that M/s. Samaira Enterprises has
been regularly filing its return of income on sale of herbal nuts
purchased from assessee and he has also incorporated the trading
account of M/s. Samaira Enterprises which has been incorporated
at page 28 of his finding as incorporated above. He has also noted
that out of sales at Rs.7,24,37,751/- made in F.Y.2020-21,
Rs.4,21,43,750/- has been made to M/s. Samaira Enterprises,
which constitute 58% of the total sales. The ld. AO has not even
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examined the sales of M/s. Samaira Enterprises and has neither
verified, whether the sales made by M/s. Samaira Enterprises is
same which has been recorded in the loose papers. According to
ld. AO, the entire cash sales reflected in the loose sheets pertain to
the assessee when there are corresponding sales, which has been
accounted in the books of M/s. Samaira Enterprises. If that
premise of the AO is to be accepted then sale of M/s. Samaira
Enterprises would be nil which cannot be the case, because this
entity has shown sales and is assessed to tax since past. Thus,
based on these documents and the ld. CIT (A) has given his
elaborate finding for his conclusion and given direction to the ld.
AO in Para 6.10 and 6.11 as incorporated above, wherein, he has
directed the ld. AO to verify and cross check, whether the sales
adopted by him from the loose sheets appears in the cash book /
bank book / sales of M/s. Samaira Enterprises or not and similar
exercise to be undertaken with respect to expenses of the outgoing
in the loose sheets seized and impounded from the ITA No.1803-
1805/Mum/2023 M/s. Unicot Food Products Pvt. Ltd. 18 search
proceedings. We do not find any reason to tinker with such a
direction, which is based on the facts and material on record.
Accordingly, order of the ld. CIT (A) is confirmed on the grounds
raised by the Revenue is dismissed."
36. As the facts in that case, the loose papers also are similar except the
change in the amount and the order of the learned AO and the learned
CIT – A are also identical,, respectfully following the decision of the
coordinate bench we dismiss ground number 2 of the appeal of the AO
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and confirmed the order of the learned CIT – A deleting the addition of ₹
23,912,100/– made by the learned AO under section 69A of the act.
37. Ground number 3 of the appeal is with respect to the addition of ₹ 6 9C of
₹ 15,428,550/– made by the assessing officer which was deleted by the
learned CIT – A. This is also based out of same seized paper number
three and number four wherein part of the addition was made under
section 69A of the act of ₹ 23,912,100 and part of the addition is made
under section 69C of ₹ 15,428,550. This ground is identical to the ground
number 3 of the appeal of the learned AO for assessment year 2020 – 21
in case of Unicote Food products private limited. As the addition with
respect to the loose paper number 6 – 12 has been deleted by the
coordinate bench in case of unique products private limited, as this
addition is also arising out of the same, respectfully following the
decision of the coordinate bench where the identical addition is deleted,
as the facts, the orders of the lower authorities are similar, those are
deleted. Accordingly, ground number 3 of the appeal of the AO is
38. In the result, appeal filed by the learned assessing officer in ITA number
2374/M/2023 for assessment year 2016 – 17 is dismissed.
ITA No 2375/Mum/2023 AY 2017-18
39. Now we come to the appeal of the learned AO in ITA number
2375/M/2023 for assessment year 2017 – 18 wherein the first ground
relates to the addition under section 68 of the income tax act of Rs
176,47,599/–. This ground is identical to ground number one of the
appeals of the AO for assessment year 2016 – 17. Facts relating to this
ground are also identical to that ground for that assessment year.
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Respectfully following the decision of the coordinate bench in case of
unique products private limited, (supra) we have deleted the above
addition for that year. Therefore, respectfully following that decision of
the coordinate bench, we also dismiss ground number 1 of the appeal of
the AO confirming the order of the learned CIT – A in deleting the
addition of ₹ 17,647,599 made by the learned assessing officer under
section 68 of the income tax act on account of sales made by the assessee
to M/s Sangeeta Enterprises.
40. Ground number 2 is also against the deletion of addition of ₹
18,080,500/– made by the learned assessing officer under section 69A of
the act and ground number 3 is with respect to the addition made by the
learned assessing officer under section 69C of the act of ₹ 14,784,670.
Both these additions are identical to ground number 2 and 3 of the appeal
of the learned assessing officer for assessment year 2016 – 17. The
addition is also arising out of the loose sheet number 5 wherein the cash
transaction of ₹ 26,665,170/– was found that out of which the learned AO
made an addition of ₹ 11,880,500 under section 69A of the act of
unexplained money and further in addition of ₹ 14,784,670/– is made
under section 69C of the act as unexplained expenditure. As both these
grounds of appeal are identical to issue in appeal of the learned AO for
assessment year 2016 – 17, as there is no change in the facts and
circumstances of the case, orders of the lower authorities and the
arguments of the parties, as those grounds have been dismissed and the
order of the learned CIT – A has been confirmed for assessment year
2016 – 17, we also for the similar reasons, dismiss ground number 2 and
3 of the appeal of the AO for assessment year 2017 – 18.
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41. Accordingly, appeal of the learned assessing officer for assessment year
2017 – 18 in ITA number 2375/M/2023 is dismissed.
ITA number 2373/M/2023 AY 2018-19
42. ITA number 2373/M/2023 is filed by the learned assessing officer for
assessment year 2018 – 19 wherein the only ground of appeal is with
respect to the deletion of addition of ₹ 11,405,099 made under section 68
of the income tax act by the learned assessing officer with respect to the
sales made by the assessee to M/s Sangeeta enterprises. This ground is
identical to ground number 1 of the appeal for assessment year 2015 – 16,
2016 – 17 and 2017 – 18 of the appeal of the learned AO. The facts
relating to that ground, orders of the lower authorities, arguments of the
parties are identical except the change in the amount. While deciding all
those grounds for those assessment years, we have upheld the order of the
learned CIT – A because of the reason that such order based on the
appellate order of the first appellate authority, travelled up to the
coordinate bench and confirmed by ITAT. Therefore, for the similar
reasons, we dismiss ground number 1 of the appeal of the learned AO for
assessment year 2018 – 19.
43. In the result ITA number 2373/M/2023 for AY 2018-19 filed by the
learned AO is dismissed.
ITA number 2377/M 2023 for assessment year 2014 – 15
44. ITA number 2377/M/2023 is filed by the learned assessing officer for
assessment year 2014 – 15 raising 2 grounds, (1) deletion of the addition
under section 68 of ₹ 181 lakhs, (2) deletion of addition under section
69C of the income tax act amounting to ₹ 14,948,661. The addition under
section 68 of the act was made by the learned assessing officer under
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section 68 of the income tax act because of sales made by Sangeeta
Enterprises to assessee. This is identical to the ground of appeal number
one in ITA for assessment year 2015 – 16 to assessment year 2018 – 19.
Both the parties confirmed that their arguments are also similar. As there
is no change in the facts of the case, reason of addition by the learned
AO, reason of deleting the addition by the learned CIT – A, arguments of
the parties and binding judicial precedents also remains the same. As we
have already deleted the similar addition for all other years, for the same
reason, we dismiss ground number 1 of the appeal of the AO.
45. Ground number 2 is against the deletion of addition of ₹ 14,948,661 made
under sections 69C of the act this is related to the purchases made by the
assessee from Sangeeta Enterprises. The argument of the learned AO is
that there is no evidence available such as lorry receipt, transportation
details and delivery challans. This is also identical to the grounds raised
by the learned AO in earlier years. Coordinate bench in case of Unicote
food products private limited has dealt with this issue for assessment year
2019 – 20 while dealing with ground number 2 and confirmed the order
of the learned CIT – A deleting the addition. As all the parameters such
as arguments, findings, directions remain the same, we respectfully
following the decision of the coordinate bench dismiss ground number 2
of the appeal of the learned AO and confirm the order of the learned CIT
– A.
46. Accordingly, ITA number 2377/M/2023 filed by the learned that
assessing officer for assessment year 2014 – 15 is dismissed.
47. ITA number 2376/M/2023 is filed by the learned assessing officer for
assessment year 2021 – 22 raising ground number 1 with respect to the
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addition under section 68 of the act of ₹ 4,188,000 and another ground of
addition under section 69A of ₹ 4,279,483/deleted by the learned CIT –
48. Ground number one is identical to ground number 1 in appeal of the
learned assessing officer for all other years wherein the addition is made
with respect to the sales made by the assessee to M/s Sangeeta
Enterprises. This has been dealt with in appeals of the assessing officer
for earlier years as per ground number 1 of those appeals wherein the
order of the learned and CIT – A has been confirmed. As there is no
change in the facts and circumstances of the case, we confirm the order of
the learned CIT – A for this year also. Ground number 1 is dismissed.
49. Ground number 2 is with respect to the addition under section 69A of ₹
4,279,483 made by the learned AO under section 69A of the act. The fact
of the case shows that during survey physical inventory of stock was
taken which was valued at ₹ 8,061,408/–. Statement of supervisor was
recorded. During survey, stock register was not found. At the premises
covered under survey, balance sheet was found as on 8/2/2021 which had
the closing stock value of ₹ 12,340,891/–. In assessment proceedings the
assessee was asked to reconcile the difference between the inventory of
stock of ₹ 8,061,408/– and the value shown in the closing stock of ₹
12,340,891. The difference was ₹ 4,279,483/–. The learned AO after
considering the explanation of the assessee found that assessee was not
maintaining any stock register in the factory premises where the goods
were found. Accordingly, the extra stock of ₹ 4,279,403/– was added
under section 69A of the act.
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50. Assessee agitated the issue before the learned CIT – A. Assessee
submitted the valuation of closing stock as on 8/2/2021 amounting to ₹
12,149,651/– showing the quantity, rate and value of each of the item.
Assessee also submitted that certain stock items, which were found
during survey, were duly inventory rise by the investigation wing
however,their valuation was not done. This fact is recorded in the
assessment order itself. If, the values of these products were taken which
are recorded in quantity in the panchnama, the difference would be very
nominal. According to the assessee the value of stock would be ₹
12,149,641/– whereas the value shown in the books of account is ₹
12,340,891/– the learned CIT – A held that when the assessing officer has
himself admitted that some items of physical stock valuation was not
determined at that time of survey proceedings, the AO was required to
ascertain the correct threats and the value of the remaining stock at the
time of assessment proceedings. During assessment proceedings as well
as in the appellate proceedings assessee has submitted the rates and value
of such stock of material. Neither AO disputed the quantity nor the rate.
According to the assessee, the stock should have been physically of ₹
12,149,641/– against the book stock of ₹ 12,340,891. The learned CIT –
A the balance addition of ₹ 191,250. The learned AO is aggrieved with
the deletion of the addition of ₹ 4,279,483/– and is in appeal.
51. After carefully considering the argument of the learned DR and the
learned authorised representative, considering the paragraph number 10.3
of the order of the learned CIT – A wherein it was found that the
difference is only of ₹ 191,250/– which has been sustained, we do not
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find any merit in ground number 2 of appeal of the learned AO. Hence
52. In the result ITA number 2376/M/2023 filed by the learned AO for
assessment year 2021 – 22 is dismissed.
53. Accordingly, all the above appeals are disposed of by this common order.
Order pronounced in the open court on 12.04.2024.
Sd/- Sd/-
Mumbai, Dated: 12.04.2024
Sudip Sarkar, Sr.PS/ Dragon
Copy of the Order forwarded to :
1. The Appellant
2. The Respondent
3. CIT
4. DR, ITAT, Mumbai
5. Guard file.
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True Copy//
Sr. Private Secretary/ Asst. Registrar
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Mumbai