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ITA No.2399/Del/2019
(Assessment Year: 2015-16)
Idea Estate Pvt. Ltd,
22-A, Janpath, New Delhi
New Delhi
(Appellant) (Respondent)
Assessee by : None
Revenue by: Shri Anuj Gupta, Sr. DR
Date of Hearing 07/11/2022
Date of pronouncement 15/11/2022
1. The present appeal has been preferred by the Assessee against the
order dated 07.01.2019 of Ld. CIT(A)-4, New Delhi (hereinafter referred
as Ld. First Appellate Authority) arising out of an appeal before it against
the assessment order dated 25.12.2017 passed u/s 143(3) of the Income
Tax Act, 1961 (hereinafter referred as „the Act‟) by the AO, Dy. CIT,
Circle-12(1), New Delhi (hereinafter referred as the Ld. AO).
2. The assessee is a company incorporated under the Companies Act,
1956 and engaged in the business of Real Estate Developer & Promoters,
Trading, construction and letting out various properties on lease/rental
basis. The assessee filed its return on 29.09.15 declaring an income of
Rs. 1,01,11,179/- comprising of income from business and profession and
income from house property. The return was processed and the case was
picked up for scrutiny under CASS and notice u/s 143(2) was served
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upon the appellant alongwith questionnaire. The Authorized
Representative of the assessee company attended the proceeding and
filed the details called for. The assessment was completed on disallowing
the business loss of Rs. 1,12,49,102/- against the rental income on the
ground that there was no business receipts/business activity during the
period under assessment. Aggrieved by the order of Ld. Deputy
Commissioner of Income Tax, Circle 12(1) the Appellant went into appeal
before the Hon‟ble Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals)-4 New Delhi
who allowed the interest expenses amounting to Rs. 40,91,116/- incurred
towards acquisition of property at Janpath New Delhi u/s 24(b) of the Act
alongwith bank charges, interest on car loan, depreciation expense,
director remuneration, audit fees, fees rates and taxes and vehicle
running and maintenance, however disallowed the TDS written off on rent
which was earlier allowed by assessing officer and interest and penalty on
late deposit of service tax. The interest on loan taken for advance given
for project amounting to Rs. 53,51,806/- was also disallowed treating it
as capital expenditure. Aggrieved by the Appellate order u/s 250(6) and
grounds of decision. That the appellant has preferred an appeal before us
raising following grounds of appeal:-
“1. That the order is bad in law and against the fact of the case.
2. That Ld. CIT(A) has erred in disallowing of written off TDS on
rental income which was earlier allowed in the assessment
order u/s 143(3) of Income Tax Act, 1961..
3. That Ld. CIT(A) has erred in disallowing the interest on loan
taken for advances given for project amounting to Rs.
53,51,806/- and treating it as capital expenditure.”
3. Heard and perused the record.
4. At the time of hearing on 07.11.2022 none appeared on behalf of
the assessee. Notices issued by registered post have been received back
with a report “left”. No other address of the assessee is available.
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5. Arguments of the ld DR were heard who supported the findings of
the ld Tax Authorities below.
6. Appreciating the matter it can be observed that the ld Tax
Authorities below have disallowed written off TDS on rental income it was
earlier allowed in the assessment order u/s 143(3) of the Act on the basis
that since the expenses pertain to the income under the head house
property and does not pertain to income under the head business and
profession therefore, same is not allowable u/s 37 of the Act nor u/s
36(1)(vii) of the Act. In this context it can be observed that the assessee
had raised the plea that The TDS deducted but not paid by the tenant
should be treated as unrealised rent in terms of section 24(1 )(x) of the A
ct and alio wed as deduction from the "Income from house property" in
the subsequent years. The similar view is taken in the case Ashok Kumar,
HUF v. Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax, ITAT Delhi Bench [1998]
65ITD 352 (DELHI) and CIT v. Madho Pd. Jatia [1976] 105 ITR 179 (SC)
(Copy Enclosed).
7. However, the ld CIT(A) while dealing with the issue without
distinguishing the judgment relied by the assessee and the reasons for
not treating the amount as unrealized rent. There has been no reasons
recorded for giving finding that why this amount is not allowable
expenses u/s 24(1)(x) of the Act as specifically claimed. Accordingly,
ground No. 1 is decided in favour of the assessee for statistical purposes.
The ld CIT(A) is directed to give a reasoned finding on the aforesaid plea
and law relied by the assessee.
8. In regard to ground of disallowance of interest of loan taken for
advance given for project and treating it as capital expenditure it can be
observed that the assessee has claimed that it had advanced for
Bangalore Project and Gurgaon Project and the loan interest amounting
to Rs. 5351806/- was paid towards advance given for the project. The ld
CIT(A) observed that the expenditure on interest requires to be
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capitalized to the expenditure on the said project and is not allowable as
revenue expenditure. There appears to be no error in the findings as a
matter on record suggests that the assessee company had entered into
collaboration agreement for development of land and primarily the
company was earning rental income. Thus, the interest paid for upcoming
projects which was used to be rental has been rightly capitalized. There is
no error in the findings of the ld CIT(A), thus, the ground is not
sustainable. Consequently, the appeal is allowed partly.
Order pronounced in the open court on 15/11/2022.
-Sd/- -Sd/-
Dated: 15/11/2022
A K Keot
Copy forwarded to
1. Applicant
2. Respondent
3. CIT
4. CIT (A)
ITAT, New Delhi