Assessment Year 2015-2016
The Income Tax Officer
(Exemptions), Ward-1(2),
Room No.2417, E-2 Block,
Civic Centre, New Delhi.
PIN 110 002
M/s. Indian Olympic
Association, B-29, Qutab
Institutional Area, South
West Delhi, New Delhi.
PIN 110 016.
(Appellant) (Respondent)
For Revenue : Shri Anuj Garg, Sr. D.R.
For Assessee : Shri Hiren Mehta, C.A.
Date of Hearing : 02.11.2022
Date of Pronouncement : 10.11.2022
This appeal filed by the Revenue is directed
against the order of the Ld. CIT(A)-40, Delhi, dated
20.09.2018 in Appeal No.CIT(A), Delhi-40/10114/2017-18
relating to the A.Y. 2015-2016.
ITA.No.7678/Del./2018 M/s .Indian Olympic
Association, New Delhi.
2. Briefly stated facts of the case are that the
assessee organisation is registered under the Societies
Registration Act, 1860 and also registered under sections
12A and 80G of the I.T. Act, 1961. The assessee filed its
return of income for the A.Y. 2015-16 declaring NIL income
on 10.02.2016. The case of the assessee was selected for
scrutiny under CASS and notice under section 143(2) of the
I.T. Act, 1961 dated 26.07.2016 was issued. Thereafter, the
assessment was framed under section 143(3) vide order
dated 01.12.2007 wherein the total income of the assessee
was determined at Rs.3,14,88,880/-.
2.1. Aggrieved by the order of A.O, the assessee
carried the matter in appeal before the Ld. CIT(A) who vide
order dated 20.09.2018 in Appeal No.CIT(A), Delhi-
40/10114/2017-18 granted substantial relief to the
3. Aggrieved by the order of Ld. CIT(A), the Revenue
is now in appeal before the Tribunal and has raised the
following effective ground :
ITA.No.7678/Del./2018 M/s .Indian Olympic
Association, New Delhi.
“On the facts and in the circumstances of the case and
in law, the Ld. CIT(A) has erred in allowing the appeal
of the assessee by ignoring the fact that though the
objects of the assessee seem to be charitable, the
activities carried out by the assessee are commercial in
nature and get covered by 1
proviso to section 2(15) of
the I.T. Act, 1961.”
4. During the course of assessment proceedings, the
A.O. noted that assessee had claimed benefit of exemption
under sections 11/12 of the I.T. Act, 1961. The A.O. was of
the view that the objects and activities of the assessee fall
within the meaning of Section 2(15) of the I.T. Act, 1961.
The A.O. noted that assessee had received various
sponsorships from Samsung India Electronic Pvt. Ltd., Shiv
Naresh Sports Pvt. Ltd., Amul etc. According to A.O. the
sponsorship agreements entered by the assessee were of the
business nature as the income from the two far exceeds the
expenditure and the income exceeds Rs.25 lakhs. The
assessee was, therefore, asked to furnish the explanation as
to why the activities received from sponsorship agreements
ITA.No.7678/Del./2018 M/s .Indian Olympic
Association, New Delhi.
with various sponsors be not treated as business venture in
view of the proviso to Section 2(15) of the I.T. Act, 1961. The
submissions made by the assessee were not found
acceptable to A.O. The A.O. held that the income from
sponsorship agreements with various sponsors were not
exempt under section 11 of the I.T. Act, 1961 as they fall
under the proviso to Section 2(15) of the I.T. Act, 1961 and
accordingly, the income of the assessee is to be taxed in the
status of AOP at maximum marginal rate.
4.1. The A.O. also noted that assessee has claimed
depreciation as application of income. He was of the view
that the depreciation on the cost of fixed assets which has
been claimed as application and allowed in the year of
acquisition, is to be disallowed as application of income. He,
accordingly, disallowed the assessee’s claim of depreciation
on the fixed assets, cost of which have been allowed as
application of income. He worked-out the net depreciation to
be disallowed at Rs.8,63,286/- and made its addition.
5. Aggrieved by the order of the A.O. the assessee
carried the matter in appeal before the Ld. CIT(A), who vide
ITA.No.7678/Del./2018 M/s .Indian Olympic
Association, New Delhi.
order dated 20.09.2018 decided the issue in favour of
assessee. For arriving at the conclusion of assessee being
eligible for the claims made, he followed the order of his
predecessor in assessee’s own case for the A.Ys. 2009-10,
2011-12 and 2013-14. He also noted that the facts in the
case in the year under consideration are identical to that of
earlier years. He, therefore, following the order of his
predecessor held that assessee is entitled to claim
exemption under section 11 of the I.T. Act, 1961. The Ld.
CIT(A) thereby directed the A.O. to allow exemption with
consequential benefits.
6. Aggrieved by the order of the Ld. CIT(A), the
Revenue is now in appeal before the Tribunal.
7. Before us, the Ld. D.R. supported the order of
8. The Learned Counsel for the Assessee, on the
other hand, relied on the order of the Ld. CIT(A) and further
submitted that for the A.Y. 2011-12, in assessee’s own case
the Revenue had filed an appeal before the Tribunal and the
ITA.No.7678/Del./2018 M/s .Indian Olympic
Association, New Delhi.
Tribunal vide order dated 19.07.2018 in ITA.No.1130/Del./
2016, dismissed the appeal of Revenue. He further
submitted that the order of ITAT has also been upheld by
Hon’ ble Delhi High Court. He placed on record the copy of
the aforesaid orders. He, therefore, submitted that the
grounds of Revenue needs to be dismissed.
9. We have heard the Learned Representative of
both the parties and perused the material available on
record. The issue in the present appeal of the Revenue is
with respect to allowing the claim of the assessee by
ignoring the fact that the activities of the assessee are
commercial in nature and covered by 1
proviso to section
2(15) of the I.T. Act, 1961. We find that on identical facts for
the A.Y. 2011-12, in assessee’s own case, the Revenue had
filed an appeal before the Tribunal and the Tribunal vide
order dated 19.07.2018 in ITA.No.1130/Del./2016,
dismissed the appeal of Revenue by observing as under :
“25. Coming back to the objects of the impugned
association, the fundamental or dominant function of
ITA.No.7678/Del./2018 M/s .Indian Olympic
Association, New Delhi.
the association is to represent the country in
international forums. Associations of different
disciplines in sports in India are members/affiliated to
IOA. In furtherance of its activities, the association not
only requires grants from the Government, but on many
occasions sponsorships. This cannot be an activity by
itself amounting to carrying on of any business, trade or
commerce. The impugned association is engaged in
multi level activities of diverse nature but the primary
and dominant activity is promoting sports activities not
only in India but also in international forum. The
impugned association would not lose its character of
charitable purpose merely because some sponsorship
was accepted.
26. In the case of Sole Trustee, Loka Shikshana Trust
v. Commissioner of Income-tax 101 ITR 234, the
Hon'ble Justice J. Baig speaking for the Apex Court thus
said that:
ITA.No.7678/Del./2018 M/s .Indian Olympic
Association, New Delhi.
"If the profits must necessarily feed a charitable
purpose, under the terms of the trust, the mere fact
that the activities of the trust yield profit will not
alter the charitable character of the trust. The test
now is, more clearly than in the past, the
genuineness of the purpose tested by the
obligation created to spend the money exclusively
or essentially on charity".
27. The test for carrying on of any activity in the
nature of trade, commerce or business as mentioned in
the first proviso to Sec. 2(15) would be satisfied if profit
making is not the real object. The Hon'ble Delhi High
Court in the case of ICAI Vs Director General of Income
Tax (Exem) 347 ITR 99 had the occasion to consider the
grievance of the ICAI which was denied exemption u/s.
10(23C)(iv) of the Act because in the opinion of the DGIT
(Exem.) the institute was holding coaching classes and
therefore was not an educational institution,
consequently the institute was covered under the last
limb of charitable purpose i.e. advance of any other
ITA.No.7678/Del./2018 M/s .Indian Olympic
Association, New Delhi.
object of general public utility in the light of the
amendment brought o Sec. 2(15) of the Act as the
institute was charging fees for conducting coaching
clauses and making huge money in a systematic and
organized manner. Considering the facts in the light of
the amended provisions of Sec. 2(15), the Hon'ble Delhi
High Court held that the order denying the exemption
was not valid.
28. Reliance by the ld. DR on various decisions to
buttress his submissions are misplaced in as much as
the dominant activity cannot be brushed aside lightly
even after the amendment.
26. After considering the entire facts in totality in the
light of discussion hereinabove and also drawing
support from the speech of the Finance Minister and
subsequent clarification issued by the CBDT within the
framework of amended provisions of section 2(15) of
the Act, in our considered opinion, there was no material
which may suggest that the assessee association was
ITA.No.7678/Del./2018 M/s .Indian Olympic
Association, New Delhi.
conducting its affairs solely on commercial lines with the
motive to earn profit. There is also no material which
could suggest that the assessee association has
deviated from its objects which it has been pursuing
since past many decades. In our humble opinion and
understanding of law, proviso to section 2(15) of the
Act is not applicable to the facts of the case and the
assessee-association deserves benefit u/s 11/12 of the
Act. We, therefore, do not find any reason to interfere
with the findings of the first appellate authority. Ground
No. 1 is accordingly dismissed.”
9.1. We further find that against the aforesaid order of
ITAT, the Revenue preferred an appeal before the Hon’ble
jurisdictional Delhi High Court in ITA.No.963/2019 and CM
Appeal.No.50939-50940/2019 and the Hon’ble Delhi High
Court vide order dated 26.11.2019 upheld the order of the
9.2. Before us, no distinguishable facts have been
brought by the Ld. D.R. and we find that the facts of the
ITA.No.7678/Del./2018 M/s .Indian Olympic
Association, New Delhi.
case in the assessment year under consideration are also
similar to that of earlier assessment year as also noted by
Ld. CIT(A) in his order. In absence of any contrary binding
decision brought to our notice by the Ld. D.R. that the said
decision of the Hon’ble Delhi High Court is stayed, overruled
or set aside, we find no reason to interfere with the order of
the Ld. CIT(A). We, therefore, confirm the order of the Ld.
CIT(A) and dismiss the grounds of appeal of Revenue.
10. In the result, appeal of the Revenue is
Order pronounced in the open Court on 10.11.2022.
Sd/- Sd/-
Delhi, Dated 10
November, 2022
ITA.No.7678/Del./2018 M/s .Indian Olympic
Association, New Delhi.
Copy to
1. The appellant
2. The respondent
3. CIT(A) concerned
4. CIT concerned
5. D.R. ITAT ‘C’ Bench, Delhi
6. Guard File.
// By Order //
Assistant Registrar : ITAT Delhi Benches :